In the spring of 2022, Lars Saabye Christensen entered Frans Widerberg's house at Fagerborg, where his sons, Nico and Thomas, have taken over responsibility after their parents' passing. This is a house that, both inside and outside, is strongly characterized by a long life in the service of art: in the garden, on walls, in the studio, and not least in the large warehouse in the basement. How do you manage all this? There are many different answers and strategies associated with that question, but one of them is to create a book about the house and art, to honour their father. To that end, the house and art were photographically documented before a necessary renovation began. And they invited one of Oslo's key writers, someone who grew up in the area – and who is interested in art – to move in and be inspired by their surroundings, capturing the atmosphere and artefacts while they were still relatively untouched.